The true path - gospel messages of God's Word

The safe way The real truth The real life

I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father except through me. John 14:6

How many times in life we've seen in applications without knowing what to do right and not what direction to take. We tried so many things. We walk many places always looking for a way to find the exit to the disturbing and frequently asked questions, whose answers could lead us our much desired peace and happiness.

In our constant search, in our hearts, we just loaded up an anxiety, had a single goal: to find the desired so-called peace and happiness for our troubled spirits and lost could finally find some serenity and rest.

We already know that our Lord Jesus is the true path.

And what is the real truth?

Looking to find answers, comfort, relaxation and tranquility go through so many places and done many things that today, very ashamed, or like to remember things in the past. The past is behind us. Today, what really matters is that, after giving a lot of laps and walk through this world full of lies and deceptions, our God and Father had mercy on us and led us into the arms of our Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ .

After being rescued by the Lord Jesus we have seen in our lives that only God is good. He only releases. He alone delivers. He alone is our true friend. He alone is our mediator. He alone is our way to the father. He alone is faithful. Only he did not give up on us. He alone forgives all. He alone saves. He alone has the power to give us eternal life, He alone is our mighty God and that He alone is the only real truth of the universe.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the absolute truth.

How many people, for not believing, or not knowing the Lord Jesus Christ are still lost, walking in the lie of sin, walking around lifeless and without hope.

If these people who are away from the true path and the real truth that exists in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and others who still do not know, and who are away from the presence of the Lord's blessings and know what they're missing, or as they are struggling in vain, they immediately seek to know and feel the strong presence of our Mighty God.

This same wonderful God who changed our lives and will never abandon us. Always protect us and not get tired to bless us, sure, there will also be changing the lives of all those who put their faith in Him and trust.

Ah! As would be nice if everyone could have the same God with whom we have. As would be nice if these people, as we know, know that they have a Father, a friend and a companion with which they can always count on.

How great would these people know that the Lord Jesus is not an unattainable God, an altar of God or a dead God. Jesus Christ is a living God, strong, powerful, and that no matter what the situation or even the place, he is always at our side.

If anyone still does not know or believe in the Lord Jesus Christ is important that this person do a test. The test is very simple. It's like picking up the phone and make a call. Just concentrate, be silent, calm the mind and fill the heart of will and faith and get in touch with this wonderful God. Surely our God he's going to lead that person to the loving arms of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only true path. The Lord Jesus Christ is the bridge that connects man to our God of Love. Only the Lord Jesus Christ has the power to close the gap between us and our God of Love. Only the precious blood of the Lord of Love was able to reconcile us with our Father and reveal the truth of his mission of salvation and redemption.

All that the Lord Jesus Christ did for you and I, even though we deserved, we had the right to live life eternal with his Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit of God.

From what has been said that we should keep it, if someone does not have the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, that person is still missing, continues to lie and, unfortunately, is walking in the way of eternal death.

Amen and Thank God.





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