The real joy - gospel messages of God's Word

True joy The eternal happiness The happiness that exists in the word of God The joy that does not pass

Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. Jeremiah 15:16
What makes you happy?
Shopping? Enjoy a delicious dish? Travel to a beautiful place and wonderful? Go to the beach? Being next to the woman in your life? Your parents? Being next to her prince? Your children? Your pets? Your car? Your company? Taking care of your home? Go to the gym? Going to school? A sport? ...
All this is very good and certainly gives us much pleasure. However, there was a treasure far greater than many of us still do not know and has the incredible power to give us more pleasure and more enduring: the Wonderful Word of our God and Father
The pleasure and joy that the Word of our God gives us pleasure is a far cry from the pleasures of which we have spoken, the pleasures of the world. The joy and happiness that the first offer pleasures are nothing more than a feeling and emotions that are fleeting, as the pleasure that the Word of God gives us is a permanent and durable as well as the Word of God never changes It is the same yesterday , is the same today and will remain the same tomorrow. Can we say the same of other pleasures?
The Word of God when he heard and recorded in the heart of man or woman gives them an everlasting joy and gladness. This is not a theory, it is a fact. This happened to the children of God the past, is what happens today and is what continues to happen tomorrow.
Thus, my brother and my sister when we're feeling sad or killed for any problems or difficulties in our lives, not waste time searching the world what can only be found in the Divine Word of our God. Only from the heart of our God of Love has the power to cheer, to restore us, make us better people and give us a new life and truly happy.
1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In him was life, and life was the light of men - John 1:1-4

Only the Mighty Word of our God has the power to build and give life. It is she who is responsible for creating everything and everyone. God's Word, when read with reverence and attention back to our lives the very presence of our God of Love. This is too wonderful!
That's why when we are in communion with our God and Father, and in close contact with His Word makes everything new, good, virtuous, calm, confident, holy, clean, fair, truthful, lively, rich, happy, joyful , full and eternal. Because when we truly get in touch with the Divine Word of our God we are truly in touch with everything that belongs to the Lord of everything and everyone.
Amen and thank God.





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