The first will be last - gospel messages of God's Word

The last shall be first The first will be last The Lord's work requires workers

A man had two sons, and he came to the first, said: 'Son, go work today in the vineyard. 29 He answered: Yes, sir, but it was not. Coming up 30, then the second, and said so; answered this: I do not want, but afterwards he repented and went. 31 Which of the two did the will of his father? They said the second. Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go before you enter the kingdom of God. 32 For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and not given him credit, but the publicans and harlots gave him, but you, seeing this, then you do not afterward relent and believe him.

Matthew 21:28-32

Many children of God, every day, are called by the Holy Spirit of God to participate in the redemptive work of the Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Generally healthier children, blessed, those who do not lack the most basic things, the better off, until it makes available to help with something or other. However, this soon available soon gives way to discouragement, laziness because of the large and constant occupation with things of the world.

Because of the many activities of daily living, work, shopping, travel, clubs, courses, meetings, business and more business and that momentary joy will become available in the past and thus, because of the difficulties, work on the Lord's work will being left out.

Our Lord Jesus continually calls all his children share his work. However, those who have better conditions and could and should help to divert the paths of the world and forget the work of our God of Love, the same God who made everything and gave us everything

Thank God not everyone behave so ungrateful. By the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ many brothers and sisters, who were spiritually lost and were humiliated and enslaved by the enemy of God, from every kind of need and trial, the drugs, adultery, prostitution, pornography, the lie, the theft, they believe with all your heart in love and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ answered yes to preach the gospel and put themselves available to participate in the body and soul to the disclosure of the eternal kingdom of our God of Glory .

Thanks to his father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of God these blessed children understand the gospel of Christ and came to the conclusion that if we are living today is just out of mercy of our God and therefore were willing to work in so they can work the same way also help to rescue as many other sheep that are beyond the pale and still are in the prisons of the evil and suffering so much suffering and humiliation they suffered in the past.

Those men and women of faith, of course, our Lord Jesus Christ has in store for them the privilege of having their names written in the book of life and resurrection, there will be receiving from God our Father, the unfading crown of Glory for having recognized the Lord Jesus Christ as their true Lord Deliverer, Savior and the author of life.

Amen and Thank God.





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